おぼつかない足取り Stumbling Steps

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Stumbling Steps

   Living in Kawakami Village, it’s only natural that you will see deer. There are deer who eat their breakfast early in the morning at Otoshi Shrine in Kodako, and there are deer who look down onto Otaki Dragon Lake from above Niu Kawakami Shrine Kamisha. Of course, there are also deer who cross small mountain roads or the national highway as they like, leaping off to somewhere. Every time I turn off the national highway into Kodako at night, I slow down a bit, quietly hoping a deer pops out from somewhere in that darkness. Even if one does appear, it’s usually gone in two or three seconds. However, once there was one deer that was different.
   I turned off the national highway that night and saw three deer. One buck ran to the left and climbed up the mountain into the forest. The other buck ran to the right down to the Kodako River.  Unable to climb up the slope to the mountain, nor hurdle over the guard rail protecting the river, the fawn that was left behind just wandered left and right in my headlights. The road was too narrow for my car to get by, so all I could do was wait. In that short 30 seconds, it felt like each of our realities had crossed, and I had that rare chance to take a good look at this precious creature. After walking about 20 meters, the fawn found a spot to climb up the mountain and disappeared into the darkness of the forest.
   In late October of last year, my Japanese teacher from America traveled across the Pacific, and while visiting many former students, spent a night at my place in Kodako. In the morning, I heard her voice from the other room say, “Omoidashitayo!”. She had recalled something. I was already awake, boiling hot water in the kitchen. Her voice was bright and without any remnant of sleep, making it all the way to the kitchen. “Last night I heard the deer cry, and I remembered that song!”
“What song?” I asked.
She lowered her voice a shade, and added a rhythm to her intonation:
“Deep in the mountains, stepping through scarlet leaves, a deer crying for its mate, when I hear this voice, I feel the sadness of autumn,” she recited.
It’s a waka poem by Sarumaru Daiou, selected to be in an anthology of 100 poems by 100 poets. That day we walked through the mountains, hearing a deer cry every now and then, and humming this poem along the way.
   As deer are pretty common in Kawakami Village, it’s not all that rare to hear deer cries. However, just when I think I’ve gotten used to running into deer or hearing their cries, a newborn fawn and an old song appear out of nowhere, painting my daily life a little more vivid.


トーク・オン・ウッド:アップルジャック Talk On Wood: Apple Jack

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トーク・オン・ウッド: アップルジャック



Talk On Wood: Apple Jack

“To everything (Turn, turn, turn),
There is a season (Turn, turn, turn),
A time for every purpose under heaven.”
-“Turn! Turn! Turn!” Pete Seeger

   With dreams of being a pilot, Mr. Kobayashi entered the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, but ended up working in the aircraft maintenance department for nine years. When he came back to his home in Kawakami Village, the Village Woodworking Center was accepting applications for work. Mr. Kobayashi didn’t know anything about woodworking, but since he had worked with machines in the Self-Defense Force, that experience would come in handy at the Village Woodworking Center. He learned through experience using the machines and handling the wood, and worked for 25 years at the Village Woodworking Center.
   Seven years ago, Mr. Kobayashi started his own studio. When he was thinking about what to call his studio, he recalled his days in the Self-Defense Force. In the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, there are three levels of threat: “Apple Jack (red, air defense alarm)”, “Lemon Juice (yellow, warning alarm)”, and “Snowman (white, alarm cancelled)”. Mr. Kobayashi said, “I felt that I should always take care of my self, so I named my studio ‘Apple Jack’.” Orders didn’t come at first, but he was comforted by the melody of “Canon” played by a music box.
   Today, that music box sits on top of wooden acoustic box and fills the shop with music. The shop is decorated with artwork from customers and models of Japan Air Self-Defense Force planes. Below those, the products of Apple Jack quietly shine. Yoshino cypress dishes, ebony fruit knives, snakewood chopsticks, and cherry wood lunch boxes show the diversity of “wood”. However, there are more products made from Yoshino cedar than anything else.
   In this studio, with eyes like a pitcher reading signs from a catcher, Mr. Kobayashi looks deep into the Yoshino cedar bowl attached to the wood lathe. He powers on the lathe, and adjusts the inside of the spinning bowl with a blade. He repeats this to gradually shape and make a bowl that is thinner and lighter than others. In a world where a 200 gram bowl is considered to be “extremely light”, Apple Jack’s 40 gram is “extremely, extremely light”. Customers at exhibitions and shows often pick up the bowl, and tricked by its light weight, end up nearly throwing it up in the air.  
   Yoshino cedar is thought to be difficult for woodworking since it is softer than most other woods. However, when it is used in woodworking, the colors of its thin, beautiful grain come alive. Even if other craftsmen take on the challenge of using Yoshino cedar, they probably can’t cut it as thin as Apple Jack. That’s part of what motivates Mr. Kobayashi. Apple Jack will adjust the angle of an edge to change a coaster or a dish into something tasteful and elegant. That ability was recognized by San Cousier, Nara Hotel, and restaurants and shops all across Japan, with plenty of orders coming in. However, no matter how successful the shop is, Mr. Kobayashi is keeping the name “Apple Jack”, staying tense and ready, and creating one product after another.
   When I try counting the fine rings of Yoshino cedar, I can get a feel for the past of the cups, trays, and bowls. It makes me think about when, where, and by who the tree was planted and raised. There are some trees planted by Mr. Kobayashi’s ancestors near the Apple Jack studio. Mr. Kobayashi talked about the next generation of that mountain, as well as the one after that.
   “I think they should plant the trees in way that’s appropriate for that generation. Cedar and cypress trees are the treasures of Kawakami, so of course we need to keep them, but well, I think it’d be a good idea to plant some broadleaf trees. They say the top of the mountain should be broadleaf trees. The nutrients flow from the top down the mountain to the cedar and cypress. A long time ago, they used to keep the top of mountain for pine forests. It was Dogura Shozaburo’s way of thinking to ‘leave the top’ they say.”


三百段 300 Steps

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300 Steps

   I climbed the 300 steps to the top of the mountain, and stepped quietly up the last set of steps to Otoshi Shrine. There were three adult bucks in the forest above the stone wall, eating something. They all paused from their breakfast, brought their heads, and looked straight at me. We observed each other just like that for about ten seconds. A Japanese cedar tree somewhere was blown by the morning wind, slowly creaking as it swayed. I think they call that the sound of a “standing tree”. I slowly pulled out my smart phone with one hand and tried to take a photo, but it was too late. All I got were the small white tails running up the mountain.
   First things first, I paid my respects to the shrine. After that, I thought about those impressive antlers as I got to work picking up the branches and leaves from the shrine grounds. More hands arrived in due time, the fire in the rusted oil drum grew higher, and the sounds of conversation and leaf blowers hid that of the “standing tree”. As we picked the small leaves out of the rocks, the person next to me cheerfully said, “Today’s the last one for this year, so we need to make sure it’s clean.” In preparation for the first prayers the following evening, others strung up light bulbs around the perimeter, or attached a bell and a combination of pine, bamboo, and plum leaves to the gate. After being exposed to the elements, the wooden donation boxed had expanded due to moisture, and wasn’t able to be opened. Two hours passed before I knew it, and we all crowded around the drum can fire and drank warm tea when we were done.
   The next night, we illuminated the 300 steps with our flashlights as we slowly climbed up to Otoshi Shrine. The lights we had strung around the shrine were already on, and they felt like a lighthouse facing the heavy darkness of the sea. The mountain on the other side of the valley was now a deep shadow, and was no match for the coal-colored sky. The reverend prepared the bream, sake, fruit, vegetables, rice, salt, and water as offerings to the shrine. “It’s warm tonight, and it’s luckily it stopped raining,” we said to one another as we crowded around the drum, our faces reddened by the glow of the flame. Once it passed midnight, I paid my respects to the shrine and joined everyone in drinking the sake offered to the shrine. Quite a few people came up the stairs after that as well. We couldn’t talk very long, but I was happy to see everyone in such a place at such a time.
  The flame in the rusted oil drum grew smaller, and we cleaned everything up before it got too cold. We turned off the perimeter lights, turned on our flashlights, and carefully descended down the frozen steps. I wonder if yesterday’s bucks could catch a glimpse of this scene from somewhere in the darkness of the mountain.


バーバー栗山 Barber Kuriyama

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Barber Kuriyama

   The story of Barber Kuriyama is long and begins in a far away place. Having studied to be a barber before being sent off to war, its founder was on the island of Saipan, and roped down Banzai Cliff to try to swim away in the ocean when he was shot in the shoulder and captured by US soldiers. They crossed the ocean on a boat to San Francisco, and after passing under the Golden Gate Bridge, he ended up picking cotton in Chicago. He was eventually transferred to Hawaii, where there were no other barbers, so he cut hair there for two years. After he was released, he returned home to the Sako district in Kawakami Village, and opened his own barber shop with just his scissors and a wooden stool. He continued running his shop for decades, and when the Sako district was relocated up the mountain due to the construction of the Otaki Dam thirty years ago, the shop moved up with it.
   Now, with a real barber chair instead of a wooden stool, Barber Kuriyama is located at the heart of Kawakami Village, just in front of the village office. Having inherited the shop from his father, Hideo Kuriyama is very happy about its central location. “People come here from all over the village, Unogawa, Kashiwagi, Shionoha, so I can hear everything they have to say. I think that’s the treasure.” Driving down Nat. Hwy 169, I often glance through the window and see the regulars getting haircuts or residents sitting and chatting on the sofas. People discuss the health of acquaintances, the status of cherry blossoms, or the next school or company of local children. When I heard that, I felt like it has a lot in common with barber shops in America.
   Not just the shop, but Mr. Kuriyama himself has a very central role in both Kawakami Village and the Sako district. Fifteen years ago, he was named by the mayor to be the Chief of the Kawakami Village Volunteer Fire Department, and along with 140 volunteer firefighters, is working to protect the lives and properties of Kawakami Village from forest fires, home fires, typhoons, and other disasters. “When I go to sleep at night, I say, ‘Ahh, nothing happened today.’, and when I wake up in the morning, I say, ‘Please let us get through this day in peace.’ That’s all I ask.” Last year, he also became the District Manager for the Sako district, and is working to see a healthy smile on the faces of his residents.
   However, even after becoming fire chief and district manager, he maintains his humility when interacting with people. “Some people do get angry with me. As expected, ten people will give you ten different opinions, there’s a good variety,” he says with a bright smile. “Back in the day, any district manager was highly regarded like ‘Oh, the district manager!’, but now I respond, ‘Yes sir, Yes ma’am’. Well, that’s just the way the world goes I guess. Even in the fire department, I am always bowing my head and saying, ‘Excuse me, sorry.’ You know, Eric, it’s best to make your way up from down below.”
   There are numerous calendars, a bus schedule, and an Enka poster on the walls of Barber Kuriyama. There are also many local photos. Mr. Kuriyama showed me a photo of the original Sako district before the construction of the Otaki Dam. He pointed to our current location, and told me where they had a forest fire, and where things like Niu Kawakami Shrine Kamisha, the village office, and people’s houses used to be. As I just came here two years ago, all I can do is hear people’s stories and see photos to catch a glimpse of what the village was like before the Otaki Dam.
   When we finished talking, I sat in the barber chair and received a hair cut. Since the top of my head is a little thin, I asked him to go short on the sides and be careful up top. It might go without saying, but we continued the chat as he cut my hair. As usual, he said something beautiful.
“The thing I’m most grateful about with this business is, even though I’m receiving the money, everyone says, ‘Thank you’ and pays me. But, since I’m the one getting paid, I’m the one who should have to say ‘Thank you’. My father always said that, ‘There aren’t any businesses where people both pay you and say thank you.’”
